The beautiful logo of the application, warmheartedly handcrafted by its author, presumably made entirely of stolen copyrighted material downloaded off the web - probably via Bittorrent.

Mulle kybernetiK


The proud author, looking at his own creation in delight.
iTunesFS by ZNeK
Current version: 2.0.0, published 05/09/2022 (810 days ago)

Please note that it's normal for iTunesFS not to bounce in your dock! This is intended behaviour, as iTunesFS is not really an ordinary Desktop application with a menu, but rather a file system (you can tell that by looking at the screenshot in case you still have doubts).

If you don't see the iTunesFS Volume appear in Finder shortly after you started the application, something unexpected has happened…

Popular reasons that cause iTunesFS to fail are:

What about the iPhone and iPod Touch?

As you might know, neither iPhone nor iPod Touch can be mounted as an ordinary removable device as previous iPod generations allowed you to. However, there are efforts on the way to make that happen nevertheless. Using one of these projects, it's pretty easy to convince iTunesFS to read the contents of such a device. Following is a mail thread detailling a possible method. Enjoy!

Marcus Müller wrote on 13/08/09 at 2:17 chantantes :
I finally found some time to work on this again. I added iTunesCDB support (new database format introduced with firmware 3.0) to iTunesFS which makes it possible to read iPhones running firmware 3.0 in iTunesFS, given that they are already mounted with iphonedisk. I've put Pedram in Cc as he had a similar request. The prerequisite is to get iphonedisk and mount your iPod/iPhone with this first. I downloaded the source, built the project with 'make' and used the shellscript to mount my jailbroken iPhone. I had to modify the commandline from the iphonedisk sources in order to work properly with my installed MacFUSE (like this):

# Auhor: Allen Porter
mkdir /Volumes/iPhone
./iphonedisk_mount -o volname=iPhone -o volicon=./iPhoneDisk.icns /Volumes/iPhone

As written in a previous mail, I recommend a modification closer to the original script:

mkdir /Volumes/iPhone
./iphonedisk_mount -o defer_auth -o volname=iPhone -o volicon=./iPhoneDisk.icns /Volumes/iPhone

When I execute this script in a shell, I get this:

$ ./
Waiting for device...
Initializing filesystem.
Mounting iPhone Volume.

Yes, I even got an extra line number 5:
kextload: /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext loaded successfully
Looking at the contents of /Volumes/iPhone I see this:

$ ls -l /Volumes/iPhone/
total 136
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 68 Jan 1 1970 ApplicationArchives/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 136 Jan 1 1970 DCIM/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 102 Jan 1 1970 Downloads/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 136 Jan 1 1970 Photos/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 68 Jan 1 1970 Podcasts/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 68 Jan 1 1970 PublicStaging/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 68 Jan 1 1970 Purchases/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 136 Jan 1 1970 Recordings/
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 0 Jan 1 1970
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 0 Jan 1 1970
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 204 Jan 1 1970 iTunes_Control/
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 30624 Jan 1 1970 jailbreak.log

Yes. I got exactly the same files and folders (except the last line ;-))
Although /Volumes/iPhone is properly mounted (via FUSE), it won't show up automatically when launching iTunesFS... as a workaround, you have to use the iPodMountPoints user default, i.e.:
-iPodMountPoints '( /Volumes/iPhone )'
I spent some time trying to understand when and where to enter this option for iTunesFS. Finally, I simply typed the equivalent following command (in Terminal for instance):

defaults write com.mulle-kybernetik.znek.iTunesFS iPodMountPoints -array /Volumes/iPhone

I hope this is correct. Out of curiosity, what was your idea to enter the option you wrote above?
The above statement can be passed on the command line as is. The user defaults concept is fairly old (from the NeXT days) but very well thought-through, indeed. If you pass defaults on the command line, they are never made persistent - very good for testing. The only drawback is that the notation is a bit different. Usually, ordinary users never come in touch with the command line (or better: they shouldn't be forced to hit the command line), but in our case I think it's feasible to do this, since we're still investigating. ;-) So, to clarify, you could have started iTunesFS the following way from the command line:

$ ./ -iTunesFileSystemDebugEnabled YES -iPodMountPoints '( /Volumes/iPhone )'

Using all these tricks, I can finally mount my iPhone in iTunesFS:
I confirm. This worked very well for me. I browsed some parts of my music hierarchy, and I backed up file to my local hard drive successfully. Seem perfect.