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Pidgeys are the backbone of my PokemonGo economy, an exercise in math done wrong

Short version


Pidgeys are plentiful and the transformation cost is low.

The average EP yield of a pidgey is 281.

How to mess it up

If you follow my twitter channel you noticed that I made various proclamations about the pidgey economy using a Numbers spreadsheet. Here’s the first one I made:

Nat! ‏@mulle_nat 25. Aug.

Pigeons are the backbone of my #PokemonGo economy. Every pigeon I catch is > worth 233.33 EP min. w/o doubling. Wrong

Mistakes made

  1. I did not know that a transform only uses 11 candy, though requiring 12
  2. I did not calculate (2500-900)/6 correctly …

How to mess it up more

Ok second try:

Nat! ‏@mulle_nat 9 Std.

Revised: Pigeons are the backbone of my #PokemonGo economy. Every pigeon I catch is worth 275 EP min. w/o doubling. Wrong

Mistakes made

I used Numbers and made a copy/paste mistake from a cell, which didn’t have a formula. In the last transform line, the pigeon number actually increased from 3 to 4, which is wrong.

At this point it became clear, that I just couldn’t trust myself with a spreadsheet to come up with a good answer.

How to do it right

Write a simulation in C (Github Project). The proper result (281) I would not have achieved with my spreadsheet approach, since it takes quite a few iterations to stabilize.

//  main.c
//  MullePokemonGoPidgeyEconomy
//  Created by Nat! on 30.08.16.
//  Copyright © 2016 Mulle kybernetiK. All rights reserved.

#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


#define STRATEGY  keep_one
#define VERBOSE   0

struct pokemongo
   int   pidgey;        // Taubsi
   int   pidgeotto;     // Tauboga
   int   candy;
   int   ep_100;
   int   catches;
   int   steps;

static void   pokemongo_step( struct pokemongo *p, char *op)
   fprintf( stderr, "%d: %s %d %d %d\n",
               p->pidgey + p->pidgeotto,
               p->ep_100 * 100);

static void   pokemongo_catch( struct pokemongo *p)
   p->catches += 1;
   p->pidgey  += 1;
   p->candy   += 3;
   p->ep_100  += 1;
   pokemongo_step( p, "catch");

static void   pokemongo_sell( struct pokemongo *p)
   assert( p->pidgey > 0 || p->pidgeotto > 0);

   if( p->pidgeotto)
      p->pidgeotto -= 1;
      p->pidgey  -= 1;

   p->candy += 1;
   pokemongo_step( p, "sell");

static void   pokemongo_transform( struct pokemongo *p)
   assert( p->pidgey >= 1);
   assert( p->candy >= 12);

   p->ep_100  += 5;
   p->candy   -= 12;
   p->pidgey  -= 1;
   p->pidgeotto += 1;
   p->candy   += 1;
   pokemongo_step( p, "transform");

static int   pokemongo_can_sell( struct pokemongo *p)
   if( p->pidgeotto > 0)
      return( 1);
   if( STRATEGY == sell_first)
      return( p->pidgey > 0);
   return( p->pidgey > 1);

static int   pokemongo_can_transform( struct pokemongo *p)
   return( p->pidgey > 0 && p->candy >= 12);

static double  pokemongo_get_average_per_catch( struct pokemongo *p)
   if( ! p->catches)
      return( 0.0);
   return( p->ep_100 * 100 / p->catches);

static double  pokemongo_get_average_per_step( struct pokemongo *p)
   if( ! p->steps)
      return( 0.0);
   return( p->ep_100 * 100 / p->steps);

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
   struct pokemongo   game;

   memset( &game, 0, sizeof( game));
      if( game.ep_100 >= 1000000 / 100)  // 1 mio EP
         printf( "ep            : %ld\n", (long) game.ep_100 * 100);
         printf( "rate          : %.2f\n", get_average_per_step( &game));
         printf( "avg per catch : %.2f\n", pokemongo_get_average_per_catch( &game));

      if( pokemongo_can_transform( &game))
         pokemongo_transform( &game);

      if( pokemongo_can_sell( &game))
         pokemongo_sell( &game);

      pokemongo_catch( &game);

Pidgey economy

  • when you catch a pidgey, you get 100 EP, 3 candy 1 pidgey

  • if you have 12 candy you can transform a pidgey into a pidgeotto to get 500 EP, 1 pidgeotto. But you lose 11 candy, 1 pidgey

  • you can sell a pidgey to receive 1 candy and lose 1 pidgey

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