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Install Steam in a docker container using distrobox (solved)

Added 🆕 info how to run Windows games to the bottom of this article from 2023

I like to keep my main system as bare bones as possible (it is not though). Projects that come with a plethora of libraries, I try to containerize. My convenient mulle-dockerize script wraps commands such as jekyll into commands that then start and execute a container, but it still was some work to get the Dockerfiles up.

But today I tried something different and I think my old ways may be obsolete now. The name of the possible gamechanger is distrobox.

Steam Client running in Ubuntu

Install stable distrobox (

I used the lazy install method, after all distrobox is just a bunch of shell scripts:

curl -s | sudo sh

Create a container/distrobox


See the end of this article if you have a NVidia card.

Now let’s create an ubuntu container named “steam” to host the steam executable:

distrobox create -n steam \
                  --image ubuntu:latest \
                  -p \
                  --yes \
                  --home ~/.distrobox/steam
distrobox enter steam


-n steam : name of the container, --image ubuntu:latest : docker image to base the container on, -p --yes : pull, without asking, –home ~/.distrobox/steam : use a custom home directory for less trouble

I am gonna call a container managed by distrobox a “distrobox” from here on.

Install Steam in distrobox

Now in the distrobox:

curl -L -O

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt -y install pciutils udev libcanberra-gtk-module
# install and fix missing dependencies afterwards
sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb 
sudo apt -y -f install
sudo apt install libc6-i386 # libgl1:i386 libdrm2:i386 libegl1:i386 libgbm1:i386
# depends on ubuntu version seemingly
sudo apt install steam-libs-amd64 steam-libs-i386
sudo ldconfig

Export steam as a local command

The command will be available in a bin folder of my choosing that is reachable from the distrobox. So still in the distrobox:

distrobox-export --bin `which steam` --export-path /home/nat/bin

Once it’s out there on the host, I can move the command to any place I like.

Run steam

Now back on the host:


This will also work, if the distrobox is not running anymore. The output should look something like this:

Container steam is not running.
Starting container steam
run this command to follow along:

 docker logs -f steam

 Starting container...                     [ OK ]
 Installing basic packages...              [ OK ]
 Setting up read-only mounts...            [ OK ]
 Setting up read-write mounts...           [ OK ]
 Setting up host's sockets integration...  [ OK ]
 Integrating host's themes, icons, fonts...   [ OK ]
 Setting up package manager exceptions...  [ OK ]
 Setting up dpkg exceptions...             [ OK ]
 Setting up apt hooks...                   [ OK ]
 Setting up sudo...                        [ OK ]
 Setting up groups...                      [ OK ]
 Setting up users...                       [ OK ]
 Executing init hooks...                   [ OK ]

Container Setup Complete!
Unable to determine whether the expected Nvidia drivers are available.
The Steam client may have limited functionality.[1538712]: Running Steam on ubuntu 22.04 64-bit[1538712]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically[1538875]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date![1538712]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
[2023-05-13 00:57:28] Startup - updater built Apr 28 2023 18:32:42
[2023-05-13 00:57:28] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/nat/.distrobox/steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam'

Patience is a virtue here, as steam will take its time…

Then I installed one of my Linux compatible games, a small puzzler called The Tiny Bang Story. To my surprise it worked. Graphics worked without glitching, Sound worked. It was playable.

Remaining problems

X11 warnings

Though everything seems to work, I see a lot of errors like these, which presumably slow down the proceedings:

_IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host myhost
Could not connect to X session manager: Could not open network socket
_IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host myhost
_IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host myhost
Could not connect to X session manager: Could not open network socket

Firewall problems

I have the Portmaster firewall running. If I turn it off, the process is quite snappy. But the X11 warnings remain.

And the fix!

Change /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc so tcp connections are accepted. (I have a firewall, so I don’t mind):


exec /usr/bin/X -listen tcp "$@"

Now change the steam command, that was exported in a previous step, so the SESSION_MANAGER environment variable is no longer exported:

# distrobox_binary
# name: steam
if [ ! -f /run/.containerenv ] && [ ! -f /.dockerenv ]
   exec /usr/local/bin/distrobox-enter  -n steam -- /usr/bin/steam "$@"
   exec /usr/bin/steam "$@"

Now everything works smoothly.

This also fixes my Portmaster firewall interference problem. It doesn’t matter anymore, if the firewall is up or not!

A distrobox with explicit nvidia support

Install unstable distrobox

For this I needed a more cutting-edge version of “distrobox”:

curl -s \
| sudo sh -s -- --next --prefix /usr/local

Create a container/distrobox

The --privileged flag is admittedly just some voodoo from earlier attempts, that may or may not be needed.

distrobox create -n steam-nvidia \
                 --image ubuntu:latest \
                 --nvidia \
                 -p \
                 --additional-flags "--privileged" \
                 --yes \
                 --home ~/.distrobox/steam
distrobox enter steam-nvidia

Install Steam in distrobox

The next part is pretty much unchanged, but the command order is maybe a bit more sensible:

curl -L -O

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt -y install pciutils udev libcanberra-gtk-module
sudo apt -y install libc6-i386
# not needed with nvidia image nvidia/opengl:1.2-glvnd-runtime-ubuntu22.04
sudo apt -y libgl1:i386 libdrm2:i386 libegl1:i386 libgbm1:i386
# install and fix missing dependencies afterwards
sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb
sudo apt -y -f install
sudo ldconfig

Everything else is, as explained before.

Then I downloaded and executed Quake 2 RTX and in the console, it recognized my NVidia card. So I would call this a success.

Remaining problem

For some reason I always get a window popping up saying, that some packages are out of date. I don’t know how to fix this yet.

Run Windows Games 🆕

As Proton has evolved quite a bit over time, I can now also play some windows games on Linux. I tested this with Pentiment, which is arguably not the most challenging game from a hardware perspective and it works! All I had to do in the “Steam Client Settings” was to “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” (and I kept the “Proton Experimental” default)

Steam Settings

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