27.Nov.00 v0.0 released
03.Apr.02 v1.0 released
24.Sep.02 v1.1 released

This frameworks wraps some public domain cryptography implementations in Objective-C. It contains two digest algorithms MD-5, SHA-1 (CRC32 as a build option) as well as two symmetric ciphers Blowfish and Twofish. There is a small test application for Mac OS X that can be used to test the algorithms a bit. Documentation is in a README.rtf file and the various headers.

The digest algortihms have been tested on Mac OS X and passed the tests. So I assume, that they work as expected. The crypto routines encrypt and decrypt correctly. I have not checked that the output is compatible with their respective implementations on Intel machinery, though I assume that it is.

Please inspect the headers for copyright notices and further hints.

Feedback to Nat!

MulleCipher Framework
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v1.1 Source for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server HTTP FTP MulleCipher.1.1.source.tgz
Version 1.0 Source for Mac OS X only (NIBs!) HTTP FTP MulleCipherTest.1.1.source.tgz

v1.0 Source for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server HTTP FTP MulleCipher.1.0.source.tgz
Version 1.0 Source for Mac OS X only (NIBs!) HTTP FTP MulleCipherTest.1.0.source.tgz
Version 0.0 Source for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server HTTP FTP MulleCipher.source.tgz
Version 0.0 Source for Mac OS X only (NIBs!) HTTP FTP MulleCipherTest.source.tgz