DevilAnimSmall Lamento
The Lamento Project @ Mulle kybernetiK

To kill the bug, you must understand the bug. And on your route from understanding to killing, Lamento is there to assist you.

Lamento is an EOF based bugtracking system, that consists of an application, a UNIX daemon and a WebObjects front-end. With the application you are able to create and maintain product information, mail templates for automated e-mail notifications, and associations between developers and products. The application provides easy access to the work-flow centric handling of the incidents (aka bug reports), using its powerful filter/search panel you will never lose sight of your incident database. Incidents can be submitted from the applications or via the web using the WebObjects front-end. Or tailor the front-end to your liking, and include it in your own WebObjects applications. (Screenshot of the app.)


You need Mac OS X Server for Lamento; and you need a DMBS which is supported by EOF on X Server which means either FrontBase, OpenBase, Oracle, Informix etc. It should also be possible to connect to any database which sports a JDBC adaptor by use of the generic and unsupported WebObjects JDBC EOAdaptor. The model we provide for download is setup for FrontBase but changing it to another database should be fairly simple. (Note that you want FrontBase version 1.2f or above.) You also need Mike Ferris' MOKit and two Object Factory frameworks.

For WebLamento you need Mac OS X Server and WebObjects 4.5. The same requirements as for concerning the database apply to WebLamento.


Lamento is open source. It is published under the Lamento Public License which is very similar to the GPL.We would have preferred to use the GPL itself but unfortunately some modifications were necessary due to the differences in German and US American law and modifications to the GPL are explicitly forbidden. If you have problems with the license - well - you're lost. We don't work for Object Factory anymore and hence cannot change the license.

Anyway, Lamento is undergoing some development right now at the moment. I use it at work and it work's well for us. At WWDC 2000 Erikme had a discussion with Tomi Engel and Stefan Kreutter of Object Farm which showed that Lamento still has space for improvements.


There is none. Okay, there is a little readme in the lamento archive that should be sufficient for somebody who has installed EOF projects to get the system up and running. If you want to write more detailed installation notes, please go ahead. Or write a manual. The same goes for the code. There are hardly any comments but it's not really complicated so that an experienced developer should understand it without problems. If you draw a diagram while you try to understand it, use Glyphix :-) and publish it.


You need to download the following packages to run Lamento:

Alternatively, you can download the packages via HTTP:

The official MOKit Homepage is located at:

A free version of FrontBase can be downloaded from:

Please note: As a result of the ongoing effort to push Lamento ahead, the current CVS version has bugfixes and improvements, that the Release R1 doesn't have. For the time being, you should downloadboth Release R1 and the related OF frameworks to get the desktop application up-and-running and check out the current CVS version to rebuild the AppKit application. I definitely should prepare an R2 version for the sake of making things easier, but I don't have the time at the moment.

If you check out the CVS version you'll notice that all parts of Lamento with the exception of the AppKit application link against Erik's EDInternet and EDCommon frameworks. Both can be found at our site with the ALX3000 project and you have to compile both frameworks in order to use Lamento.

Porting to Win32

There has been some effort to bring Lamento to Win32, but the current status is unknown to us. However, Apple is currently strongly discouraging development of AppKit Applications with Yellow Box on Win32. AFAIK it's legal with WO/YB 4.01 only.

In case you still want to try, we've put up the Win32 versions of the OF frameworks in our FTP directory.

Mailing list

At the moment we have one mailing list ( to coordinate the development efforts. To subscribe send an empty message to and follow the instructions.


We have set up a CVS server allowing anonymous access to the sources. You're allowed to check out, not to check in. If you feel that you'll need write access, Access is available via pserver protocol only.

You will need Codefab's "realwrap" CVS version in order to access our repository properly.

Additionally, you'll have to grab a copy of our cvswrappers file and put that in your home directory renamed as .cvswrappers. I've set up a cvs-stuff directory which contains that file.

If you are not familiar with CVS be sure to read some documents on CVS first. The CVS FAQ is located at

Basically the whole procedure of checking out Lamento is as follows (You will have to login first, useanoncvs as password):

cvs -d login
cvs -z3 -d co Lamento

Last changed 31-August-2000