EOF Wiki

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This is the Objective-C EOF Wiki. It started as the MulleEOF wiki but soon after setting it up, it seemed to be a good idea to make it a more general EOF Wiki. If you have an Objective-C EOF clone or are looking for one: this is the place to be.

This Wiki is wholly unconcerned about Java-EOF as available through WebObjects 5 from Apple.From now on all references to EOF will always mean Objective-C EOF and Java will be ignored.

If you are not that familiar with EOF and it's history, you can read a good historical overview on Wikipedia.

Because of Spambots, you will have to register and confirm your email address, before you can change anything.


EOF is commonly referred to as a database abstraction layer. And it is also a toolkit of various components that can be used independently. Even if your application doesn't access a database, it can pay off to get familiar with EOF.


EOF traditionally has been separated in three frameworks

  • EOControl the abstraction layer that provides the groundwork for the editing and persistance of objects
  • EOInterface the GUI component, that ties AppKit to EOControl
  • EOAccess for the concrete use of EOControl. It contains an EOObjectStore subclass, that uses one or multiple SQL databases for persistance

Here's a look at the classes contained in those frameworks:


Download the PDF to look at it in detail.


Articles about EOAccess

Articles about EOControl

Articles about EOInterface

Some of these articles are not part of this Wiki and therefore also not part of the CC license.


Documentation for EOF is available from Apple on the developer site.

Also some of these links may be helpful, as EOF became a part of WebObjects at some point in history

Most of these links are not part of this Wiki and therefore also not part of the CC license.


The original

and the clones and relatives of EOF

It'd be good to have a feature comparison chart at some point in time.

Related Projects and other Resources