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mulle-objc 0.18 Release


The 0.18 release is a turning point for the project as it slowly but surely is migrating away from llvm. You can read all about this in the Prerelease thoughts Part I: llvm. In order to make two steps forward, I have to take a step backwards.

So mulle-lldb is no more and mulle-gdb is the new debugger for mulle-objc.

The mulle-clang compiler is based on the new mono-repo llvm-project and has been pushed to version 11 now. But there should not be a noticable difference between this mulle-clang and the last one, except that the old one is incomptible with 0.18 and the new compiler is incompatible with 0.17.

The installation experience has worsened somewhat as you have to build the debugger yourself and there are only pre-built compiler packages for Debian/Ubuntu.

There have been a lot of API changes, especially in mulle-objc-runtime and in mulle-container, which you will notice when recompiling.

If you are new to the project, then head on over to mulle-objc and foundation-developer for installation instructions and help.

New stuff


mulle-data combines the hash functions that were duplicated in mulle-objc-runtime and mulle-container and extracts them into a new library.

Release Notes

Instead of rehashing what’s in the release notes, I just point out the release note which contain interesting changes.

Remember: Projects with a zero version major (0.x.y) are still alpha and can have breaking changes with each minor change.


mulle-container and mulle-utf got API breaking changes. mulle-c-developer gets support for CI with github-actions.

RELEASENOTES Version Version 0.17
mulle-allocator 4.2.2 4.2.1
mulle-buffer 2.2.0 2.1.1
mulle-c11 4.1.0 4.0.0
mulle-container 4.0.0 3.0.1
mulle-data 0.0.1 -
mulle-http 0.1.1 0.1.0
mulle-unicode 2.4.0 2.3.2
mulle-url 2.3.1 2.3.0
mulle-utf 3.0.0 2.3.1
mulle-vararg 1.1.0 1.0.1
mulle-c-developer 0.13.1 0.12.1


No changes here, except project structure modernization.

RELEASENOTES Version mulle-objc 0.17 version
mulle-aba 2.0.20 2.0.19
mulle-concurrent 2.2.9 2.2.8
mulle-thread 4.2.3 4.2.2


No real changes here, except for a bug fix in mulle-mmap.

RELEASENOTES Version mulle-objc 0.17 version
mulle-atexit 0.0.8 0.0.7
mulle-atinit 0.0.5 0.0.4
mulle-dlfcn 0.0.6 0.0.5
mulle-mmap 0.0.3 0.0.2
mulle-sprintf 1.0.19 1.0.18
mulle-stacktrace 0.2.2 0.2.1
mulle-testallocator 4.2.2 4.2.1


At the moment all mulle-objc and MulleFoundation projects still have a synced version number. This will change from now on.

RELEASENOTES Version mulle-objc 0.17 version
mulle-objc-compat 0.18.0 0.17.1
mulle-objc-developer 0.20.0 0.18.0
MulleObjC 0.18.0 0.17.2
mulle-objc-list 0.18.0 0.17.1
mulle-objc-runtime 0.18.0 0.17.1
mulle-objc-runtime-startup 0.18.0 0.17.1
MulleObjC-startup 0.18.0 0.17.1


RELEASENOTES Version mulle-objc 0.17 version
Foundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCCalendarFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCContainerFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCExpatFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCInetOSFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCKVCFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCMathFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCOSFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.1
MulleObjCStandardFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCUnicodeFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
MulleObjCValueFoundation 0.18.0 0.17.2
Foundation-startup 0.18.0 0.17.1
MulleFoundation-startup 0.18.0 0.17.1
MulleObjCStandardFoundation-startup 0.18.0 0.17.1
mulle-testgen 0.18.0 0.17.1
objc-compat 0.18.0 0.17.1
foundation-developer 0.18.0 0.17.1
mulle-foundation-developer 0.18.0 0.17.1


mulle-test got some quality of life enhancements and mulle-sde has seen a lot of improvements.

RELEASENOTES Version mulle-objc 0.17 version
mulle-craft 0.18.3 0.18.2
mulle-dispense 2.0.1 2.0.1
mulle-env 3.3.2 3.2.1
mulle-fetch 1.8.2 1.8.1
mulle-make 0.15.0 0.14.4
mulle-match 0.7.0 0.6.0
mulle-monitor 0.9.1 0.9.1
mulle-platform 0.4.2 0.4.1
mulle-sde 0.44.1 0.43.2
mulle-sourcetree 0.23.1 0.22.1
mulle-test 5.3.0 5.2.1
mulle-sde-developer 0.21.0 0.20.0

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