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Someone in the Foundation team needs moving to the XCode or Finder team

This is in the releasenotes for Foundation:

API Deprecations (Section added since WWDC)

The NSArchiver and NSUnarchiver classes and other APIs in NSArchiver.h are not deprecated in this release, but may be in the next release.

The NSCalendarDate class, NSDate categories, and other APIs in NSCalendarDate.h are not deprecated in this release, but may be in the next release.

The NSDecimalNumber and NSDecimalNumberHandler classes, the NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol, and other APIs in NSDecimalNumber.h are not deprecated in this release, but may be in the next release. The NSDecimal struct and functions in NSDecimal.h are not deprecated in this release, but may be in the next release. Native long double support in NSNumber in the next release will replace most of the need for NSDecimal and NSDecimalNumber (and be much much faster).

Yes that's exactly the reason I always used NSDecimal. I couldn't fit those big numbers quite into double....