πŸ’„ Definition isolator

The mulle-sde virtual environment shields the project from unintentional environment settings. But that is not enough separation, if the project is made up of multiple projects (a.k.a. β€œdependencies”).

Here is a contrived example. The main project get its current version via the commandline like cc -DVERSION='"1"'. Lets use the mulle-sde environment to set CFLAGS, assuming that this is picked up by the Makefile.

mulle-sde environment set CFLAGS '-DVERSION="1"'

It will work fine, until you add a third-party dependency, which also uses a VERSION definition. As the mulle-sde environment is active during the build of the project and the build of the dependency, there will be a clash.

Definitions: environments for a build

mulle-make is the meta-builder, that uses build systems like cmake and autoconf and xcodebuild, to build a dependency or the project itself. That may sound fancy, but is really not much more than what this little script does:

#! /bin/sh

if [ -f CMakeLists.txt ]
   cmake -B build -S .
   cmake --build build
    # use some other build tool

One thing mulle-make adds to the process, is that it looks at variables that start with the string β€˜DEFINITION_’ and uses those to create options for the individual build tool (unknown options are passed verbatim).

For example the value of DEFINITION_CFLAGS='-DVERSION="1"' will be used by the cmake plugin of mulle-make to produce a -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-DVERSION="1"' command line option for cmake.

So how are DEFINITION_ variables set in mulle-make ? They are fed to mulle-make by another tool mulle-craft. mulle-craft searches for applicable definition folders and applies them to the mulle-make call. There can be multiple definitions, which enables inheritance schemes.

Project definitions

The main project definition folder is managed with the mulle-sde definition commands. The values contained in it are only used for the main project and can not be overridden.

Project definitions

cd foo
cc -DVERSION='"1"' ...

Dependency definitions

A dependency definition is just a project definition from a different perspective. Here a third party project may very well also have a definition folder, if it is a mulle-sde project. This definition will be used during its build. But it will not interfere with the main project craft.

Dependency definitions

   cd foo/stash/bar
   cc -DVERSION='"2"' ...

cd foo
cc -DVERSION='"1"' ...

Project craftinfos

The project has the option to override dependency definitions with craftinfos. This is especially useful for third party projects, that are not mulle-sde projects. With a craftinfo you can tweak the build process of that dependency to your liking without having to edit the dependency source itself.

Project craftinfos

The values in the craftinfo will usually override the values in the definition of the dependency. So -DVERSION="3" will be in effect for the craft of β€œbar”.

   cd foo/stash/bar
   cc -DVERSION='"3"' ...

cd foo
cc -DVERSION='"1"' ...

Inherited definitions

Maybe the most powerful feature of the mulle-sde build system are inherited definitions. These definitions are installed by dependencies into the dependency/share folder and can affect all consecutive dependencies. This for example allows the switch of compilers during the craft of dependencies.

Multiple dependencies can add and subtract from these definitions.

Inherited craftinfos

   cd foo/stash/bar
   cc -DVERSION='"3"' ...

cd foo
mulle-clang -DVERSION='"1"' ...

Inherited definitions can augment the definitions of the main project, but it can not override them.

Inherited definitions can override the definitions of dependencies, but it does not override craftinfos.